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On-Site Services

Two Endovascular Suites

Our AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) accredited endovascular suites provide state-of-the-art minimally invasive technology with the latest imaging capabilities. Endovascular procedures require less recovery time, and generally have fewer potential complications. Many conditions can be treated in a single office visit. Our in-office certified and highly trained staff, provide a comfortable high-quality experience with great care. Patients receive the convenience of in-office treatment for a large variety of vascular issues in the brief time span of a routine office visit.

Two Vascular Laboratories

Equipped with the latest in non-invasive vascular lab equipment, our experienced ultrasound staff offers painless on-site vascular testing seamlessly with your visit. The lab offers rapid accurate diagnosis of most vascular conditions. Results are made available immediately to our physicians, along with your referring physician. Most often, your office visit can be combined with any necessary testing during that visit. It is this type of efficiency and quality care that NSVS prides itself on.